Week of November 1, 2021


Contact info:

MrTaraza@olqmnyc.org (I usually try to reply within the same day).

School Number: (212) 567-3190

As always, please make sure to read the OLQM school blog for additional updates and information located HERE!

 If there are any questions regarding the 3-K/Pre-K for all program that can not be answered by the office or classroom teacher, please feel free to contact the

Help Line at 888-227-8175

Datos de contacto: 

MrTaraza@olqmnyc.org (normalmente trato de responder el mismo día).

Numero de escuela: (212) 567-3190 

Como siempre, asegúrese de leer el blog de la escuela OLQM para obtener actualizaciones e información adicionales que se encuentran AQUÍ.

Si hay alguna pregunta con respecto al 3-K / Pre-K para todos los programas que no pueda ser respondida por la oficina o el maestro del salón de clases, no dude en comunicarse con el

Línea de ayuda al 888-227-8175


Our Grown-Ups

Exploration One:

Our Community

Essential Question:

What is our community?

Focus Area:


Weekly Focus:

Our Feelings

Focused Learning Activity for the Week:


Children will arrange and sequence the correct order of growth.



Standard Addressed:

P-SCI 3 Child compares and categorizes observable phenomena


Children will recognize and make groups of 2 or more




couting objectgs


Standard Addressed:

P-MATH 3 Child understands the realtionship between numbers and quantities.

Thankful Turkey

Ask children what they are thankful for. Record responses on feathers for children to cut and paste.



  • Brown paper
  • Construction paper (brown,red,yellow,orange)
  • Glue, scissors
  • black marker

Standard Addressed:

P-PMP 3 Child demonstrates increasing control, strength, and coordination of small muscles.

P-ATL 8 Child holds information in mind and manipulates it to perform tasks.

P-LC 1 Child attends to communication and language from others

P-LC 2 Child understands and responds to increasingly complex communication and language from others.

Foundational Text(s) for the Week:

Questions that will be asked throughout the week related to the foundational text:

  • After the Mommy tucked her in, what was the baby supposed to do?

  • Baby made a mess on the walls with crayons. Crayons are not for walls. What are crayons for?

  • What could the baby do with the ball to make the other baby feel better?

  • After the Mommy held babys hand to leave the park, what did baby do? Should we throw ourselves down? What could we do instead?

  • What did baby ask mama for at nap time?

Learning Centers Available for the Theme:

Blocks- Children are encouraged to use explore the block center. They will be shown a few unit blocks, shown where they can be found in the classroom, and shown how to match them to their outline in order to clean up.


Dramatic Play- Children are invited to explore the dramatic play area and use the props provided. Dramatic Play will be set up as a kitchen.  Teacher will introduce basic materials, how to use them, and how to put them away.


Art- Children are invited to explore the art area. They will be shown a paint container, brush and paper. Teacher will model how to dip brush in paint and paint a few brushstrokes on paper. Students will be shown where materials can be found in the classroom and what they should do when they finish painting.


Science- Children will be shown a few items from a collection of natural objects. Teacher will model how students can begin to explore some of the materials. They will be shown where these materials can be found in the classroom and how to put them away when finished.


Math- Children will be shown a couple of puzzles. Teacher will model how to take apart and how to put a few pieces together. Students will be shown where puzzles can be found and how to put them away.


Library- Students are able to explore books from the classroom library.


Writing- Students are invited to explore the materials provided in the writing center. They are encouraged to explore their name cards.  


Sensory- Students will be shown a small amount of sand and a few toys. They will be shown where these materials can be found in the classroom.

For more information on the Lesson Plan, click HERE!

To view this weeks' foundational text, please click HERE!

If you have any questions or concerns, you can email me at MrTaraza@olqmnyc.org or email Mrs. Zogka at MrsZogka@olqmnyc.org. 

If there are any questions regarding the Pre-K for All program that cannot be answered by the office or classroom teacher, please feel free to contact the Help Line at 888-227-8175

Week of October 25, 2021


Contact info:

MrTaraza@olqmnyc.org (I usually try to reply within the same day).

As always, please make sure to read the OLQM school blog for additional updates and information located HERE!

 If there are any questions regarding the 3-K/Pre-K for all program that can not be answered by the office or classroom teacher, please feel free to contact the

Help Line at 888-227-8175

                Halloween Celebration


Our classroom is having a celebration on Friday, October 29th. 

Children may come dressed in costumes. Face Mask are still REQUIRED to prevent the spread of germs and illness. 

We will be having cupcakes, juice, and chips at our celebration. We will also be playing a variety of games indoors as well as dancing.

 Children will all get a sealed package of crayons, stickers, and play-dough to take home. Parents, if you chose to bring or donate anything, all packages must be sealed and come with a receipt. We cannot accept anything that is open or unsealed so please double check everything. Thank you again for all the support!

Our Bodies

Exploration One:

Our Community

Essential Question:

What is our community?

Focus Area:


Weekly Focus:

Our Bodies

Focused Learning Activity for the Week:

Hand Drawing

Children will select a writing instrument and trace thier hand on paper and name the fingers.





Pencil/Crayon/Marker/Color Pencil

Standard Addressed:

P-PMP 3 Child demonstrates increasing control, strength, and coordination of small muscles.

The Shapes of Us

Children will glue paper shapes and create their own bodies then identify and name each part.







Standard Addressed:

P-Math 9 Child identifies, describes, compares, and composes shapes.

P-PMP 3 Child demonstrates increasing control, strength, and coordination of small muscles.

My Body Parts Puzzle

My Body Parts Puzzle


Children will identify body parts on the puzzzle then find and attach the missing parts to the body.





Body Parts Cut Outs.



Standard Addressed:

P-ATL 8  Child holds information in mind and manipulates it to perform tasks.

P-PMP 3 Child demonstrates increasing control, strength, and coordination of small muscles.

Foundational Text(s) for the Week:

Questions that will be asked throughout the week related to the foundational text:

  • Look at the characters in the book. What differences do you notice?

  • Do you think their lives are different from each others’? How?

  • Do the people in the book remind you of people you know? How?

  • Choose a character from the story. Why did you choose that character?

  • What more do you want to know about the character you chose?

Learning Centers Available for the Theme:

Blocks- Children are encouraged to use explore the block center. They will be shown a few unit blocks, shown where they can be found in the classroom, and shown how to match them to their outline in order to clean up.


Dramatic Play- Children are invited to explore the dramatic play area and use the props provided. Dramatic Play will be set up as a kitchen.  Teacher will introduce basic materials, how to use them, and how to put them away.


Art- Children are invited to explore the art area. They will be shown a paint container, brush and paper. Teacher will model how to dip brush in paint and paint a few brushstrokes on paper. Students will be shown where materials can be found in the classroom and what they should do when they finish painting.


Science- Children will be shown a few items from a collection of natural objects. Teacher will model how students can begin to explore some of the materials. They will be shown where these materials can be found in the classroom and how to put them away when finished.


Math- Children will be shown a couple of puzzles. Teacher will model how to take apart and how to put a few pieces together. Students will be shown where puzzles can be found and how to put them away.


Library- Students are able to explore books from the classroom library.


Writing- Students are invited to explore the materials provided in the writing center. They are encouraged to explore their name cards.  


Sensory- Students will be shown a small amount of sand and a few toys. They will be shown where these materials can be found in the classroom.

For more information on the Lesson Plan, click HERE!

To view this weeks' foundational text, please click HERE!

If you have any questions or concerns, you can email me at MrTaraza@olqmnyc.org or email Mrs. Zogka at MrsZogka@olqmnyc.org. 

If there are any questions regarding the Pre-K for All program that cannot be answered by the office or classroom teacher, please feel free to contact the Help Line at 888-227-8175 

Week of October 18, 2021



Contact info:

MrTaraza@olqmnyc.org (I usually try to reply within the same day).

As always, please make sure to read the OLQM school blog for additional updates and information located HERE!

 If there are any questions regarding the 3-K/Pre-K for all program that can not be answered by the office or classroom teacher, please feel free to contact the

Help Line at 888-227-8175

Our Feelings

Exploration One:

Our Community

Essential Question:

What is our community?

Focus Area:


Weekly Focus:

Our Feelings

Focused Learning Activity for the Week:

Paint A Feeling

A completely free art choice. Children will paint with No expectations, no "adult decided" outcome. When children are done, teacher/adult will ask them to name their picture with a feeling. e.g. (Yellow=Happy/Excited, Blue=Sad/Tired, Green=Scared/Surprised, Red=Angry/Mad).

Standard Addressed:

P-ATL 12 Child expresses creativity in thinking and communication.

P-PMP 3 Child demonstrates increasing control, strength, and coordination of small muscles.

P-SE 6 Child expresses a broad range of emotions and recognizes these emotions in self and others.

S is for Spider

This week we are learning about the letter "S". Children can make a drawing or paint a spider using thier hands.

Standard Addressed:

P-PMP 3 Child demonstrates increasing control, strength, and coordination of small muscles.

P-ATL 7 Child persists in tasks.

Self Portrait

Children will create their self portrait after looking in the mirror and describing what they see. Eyes, nose etc. Then using crayons or markers they will draw what they see. 


Materials Needed: 


Crayons/ markers


Standard Addressed:

P-SE 9 Child recognizes self as a unique individual having own abilities, characteristics, emotions, and interests.

P-PMP 3 Child demonstrates increasing control, strength, and coordination of small muscles.

Foundational Text(s) for the Week:

Questions that will be asked throughout the week related to the foundational text:

  • Our story shared lots of feelings, one of them was feeling brave. Do you ever feel brave? Share a time you felt brave or happy.

  • Sometimes we feel our feelings in our body, where in your body to you feel happy/angry/sad?

  • At the end of the story it states that we should share our feelings with someone, who is someone you can share your feelings with?

  • Do you ever feel mad? Share a time you felt mad.

  • Have you ever felt scared? Share a time that you felt scared.

Learning Centers Available for the Theme:

Blocks- Children are encouraged to use explore the block center. They will be shown a few unit blocks, shown where they can be found in the classroom, and shown how to match them to their outline in order to clean up.


Dramatic Play- Children are invited to explore the dramatic play area and use the props provided. Dramatic Play will be set up as a kitchen.  Teacher will introduce basic materials, how to use them, and how to put them away.


Art- Children are invited to explore the art area. They will be shown a paint container, brush and paper. Teacher will model how to dip brush in paint and paint a few brushstrokes on paper. Students will be shown where materials can be found in the classroom and what they should do when they finish painting.


Science- Children will be shown a few items from a collection of natural objects. Teacher will model how students can begin to explore some of the materials. They will be shown where these materials can be found in the classroom and how to put them away when finished.


Math- Children will be shown a couple of puzzles. Teacher will model how to take apart and how to put a few pieces together. Students will be shown where puzzles can be found and how to put them away.


Library- Students are able to explore books from the classroom library.


Writing- Students are invited to explore the materials provided in the writing center. They are encouraged to explore their name cards.  


Sensory- Students will be shown a small amount of sand and a few toys. They will be shown where these materials can be found in the classroom.

For more information on the Lesson Plan, click HERE!

To view this weeks' foundational text, please click HERE!

If you have any questions or concerns, you can email me at MrTaraza@olqmnyc.org or email Mrs. Zogka at MrsZogka@olqmnyc.org. 

If there are any questions regarding the Pre-K for All program that cannot be answered by the office or classroom teacher, please feel free to contact the Help Line at 888-227-8175

Promoting Inclusion with The Big Umbrella by Amy June Bates

Promoting Inclusion with The Big Umbrella by Amy June Bates Dear reader: I hope that you find pleasure and joy in reading about my thoughts ...