Week of November 29th, 2021


Vaccinations/Flu Shot Due December 1st. The deadline to have the shot is December 31st in order to go back to school.

Vacunas (Influenza): 1 de diciembre para poder regresar a la escuela.

Hello and Welcome to PreK-6 (3K for All) Blog!

This weeks focus is "Seeing"

To view the full lesson plan and daily activities for this week, please click here.

To view this weeks foundational text click here


Children will be observing a chemical reaction by mixing household ingredients to craft slime. Squeezing and molding and mixing the slime is a great excercise for strengthening fine motor skills in hands and fingers for children to develop better writing grip.

● Goal P-SCI 1. Child observes and describes observable phenomena (objects, materials, organisms, and events).


● Goal P-SCI 2. Child engages in scientific talk.

(Glue, Baking Soda, Food Coloring, Eye-Contact Solution)
Optional Materials: Glitter


Children will be using fine motor skills to paint and glue so they can craft a snow globe.




Paint Brush

White Paint

Construction Paper



● Goal P-PMP 3. Child demonstrates increasing control, strength, and coordination of small muscles.

Letter S - AB Pattern

Children will be practicing hand-eye coordination to place dots inside circles and create an AB pattern using 2 different colors.

● Goal P-MATH 7. Child understands simple patterns.

To access Letter S Template Click Here


-Dot art

Alternative to this activity if you don't have dot art:

Color in the cirlces using 2 different colors to create an "AB" Pattern. (ex. Red, Blue, Red, Blue, Red.... what color comes next? Blue.)

        Week of November 22, 2021


Flu Vaccine Required for all students in PreK and Kindergarten
Under New York State and City Health codes all PreK and Kindergarten students are required to have an annual Flu shot by December 1st.
Students will be required to remain at home until proof is provided that your child has received the Flu vaccine.

November is Canned Food Drive Month to assist the food pantry of

Notre Dame Church

November 25th / November 26th School CLOSED for Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend

Hello and Welcome to PreK-6 (3K for All) Blog!

This weeks focus is "Caring"

To view the full lesson plan and daily activities for this week, please click here.

To view this weeks foundational text click here

Activities for home:

Shaving Cream Sensory Play

Encourage the children to smooth the shaving cream onto the table or tray. They can draw a circle and add eyes, nose, mouth hair or practice writing our Letter of The Week "A"


Materials Needed:
Shaving Cream
Tray/Smooth Surface


● Goal P-LIT 6. Child writes for a variety of purposes using increasingly sophisticated marks


To open Click Here

Children will explore the features of fingerprints. They will make pictures using the ink pads and their fingerprints.


 Magnifying glasses

Ink pads

White drawing paper

Alternatives: Here is an easy method for how to make your own clear set of fingerprints. (It's also a great science project for kids.)

  • Step 1: Use a pencil to darken about a 1 inch square section on a piece of paper.
  • Step 2: Rub one fingertip across the graphite-covered section of paper.
  • Step 3: Stick a piece of clear tape onto the darkened finger. (Packing tape works very well, but any clear tape will do.)
  • Step 4: Carefully remove the tape from the fingertip, and stick the tape onto a piece of white paper or card stock.
Repeat with each finger, placing each print onto the same paper. (Two rows of 5 prints per row.) Remember to write down which hand and finger each print is from, and you will have made your own permanent "ID Card". This method also works great for making fingerprints from babies' hands.

● Goal P-SE 9. Child recognizes self as a unique individual having own abilities, characteristics, emotions, and interests.

 Week of November 15, 2021


November 18th - Minnie & Mickey Mouse Day
Students may dress up like their favorite character for the day.

Friday ——November 19th 12:00 noon dismissal for ALL students.
Parent Teacher Conferences via Zoom.
1:00 PM - 6:00 PM (last appointment is 5:45 PM) 
Please sign up here for a meeting time. You may edit the document and sign up for ONE slot.

Contact info:

MrTaraza@olqmnyc.org (I usually try to reply within the same day).

School Number: (212) 567-3190

As always, please make sure to read the OLQM school blog for additional updates and information located HERE!

 If there are any questions regarding the 3-K/Pre-K for all program that can not be answered by the office or classroom teacher, please feel free to contact the

Help Line at 888-227-8175

8 de noviembre - Día de Minnie y Mickey Mouse

Los estudiantes pueden vestirse como su personaje favorito del día.


Viernes ——19 de noviembre Salida a las 12:00 del mediodía para TODOS los estudiantes.

Conferencias de padres y maestros a través de Zoom.

1:00 p. M. - 6:00 p. M. (La última cita es a las 5:45 p. M.)

Regístrese aquí para una hora de reunión. Puede editar el documento y registrarse para UNA ranura.




Datos de contacto: 

MrTaraza@olqmnyc.org (normalmente trato de responder el mismo día).

Numero de escuela: (212) 567-3190 

Como siempre, asegúrese de leer el blog de la escuela OLQM para obtener actualizaciones e información adicionales que se encuentran AQUÍ.

Si hay alguna pregunta con respecto al 3-K / Pre-K para todos los programas que no pueda ser respondida por la oficina o el maestro del salón de clases, no dude en comunicarse con el

Línea de ayuda al 888-227-8175

This weeks focus is "Our Building"

To view the full lesson plan and daily activities for this week, please click here.

To view this weeks foundational text click here

Activities for home:

Sorting Hot/Not


To Open Click Here

Children will cut, paste, and categorize pictures into separate groups.


Materials Needed:





● Goal P-SCI 3. Child compares and categorizes observable phenomena

Thanksgiving Paper Plate Craft

Children will cut out pictures of their favorite foods and glue them on a paper plate.


Supermarket Circular (Grocery store sale paper Pictures) or Food Print Outs



Paper Plate

Fire Safety Color Collage


Red, Orange and Yellow tissue paper,


Paint brushes

Wax paper

Craft Sticks

  • Children will brush glue on the entire piece of wax paper


  • Children will use their small muscles to tear the tissue paper into small pieces and stick on the wax paper.


  • Children will glue craft sticks around the edges of the paper as a frame.


Goal IT-PMP 6. Child coordinates hand and eye movements to perform actions.

If you lack any materials, an alternative to this activity would be a red/yellow/orange painting or drawing.

  Week of November 8, 2021



(Veterans Day)


(Manhattan Conference Day)

Contact info:

MrTaraza@olqmnyc.org (I usually try to reply within the same day).

School Number: (212) 567-3190

As always, please make sure to read the OLQM school blog for additional updates and information located HERE!

 If there are any questions regarding the 3-K/Pre-K for all program that can not be answered by the office or classroom teacher, please feel free to contact the

Help Line at 888-227-8175



Datos de contacto: 

MrTaraza@olqmnyc.org (normalmente trato de responder el mismo día).

Numero de escuela: (212) 567-3190 

Como siempre, asegúrese de leer el blog de la escuela OLQM para obtener actualizaciones e información adicionales que se encuentran AQUÍ.

Si hay alguna pregunta con respecto al 3-K / Pre-K para todos los programas que no pueda ser respondida por la oficina o el maestro del salón de clases, no dude en comunicarse con el

Línea de ayuda al 888-227-8175


Our Class

Exploration One:

Our Community

Essential Question:

What is our community?

Focus Area:


Weekly Focus:

Our Class

Focused Learning Activity for the Week:

I like to Eat...

Children will cut out pictures of their favorite foods and glue them on a paper plate. 



  • paper plate
  • Grocery store sale paper (pictures)
  • Glue

Standard Addressed:

P-SE 9 Child recognizes self as a unique individual having own abilities, characteristics, emotions, and interests.

P-PMP 3 Child demonstrates increasing control, strength, and coordination of small muscles.

Foundational Text for the Week:

Questions that will be asked throughout the week related to the foundational text:

  • Introduce book with pictures only. Ask children to describe the events they see in the book.

  • What color blocks did Ruby have? What color blocks did Benji have?

  • How do you think Ruby felt when Benji took one of her blocks? How can Benji Comfort/Cheer up Ruby?

Learning Centers Available for the Theme:

Blocks- Children are encouraged to use explore the block center. They will be shown a few unit blocks, shown where they can be found in the classroom, and shown how to match them to their outline in order to clean up.


Dramatic Play- Children are invited to explore the dramatic play area and use the props provided. Dramatic Play will be set up as a kitchen.  Teacher will introduce basic materials, how to use them, and how to put them away.


Art- Children are invited to explore the art area. They will be shown a paint container, brush and paper. Teacher will model how to dip brush in paint and paint a few brushstrokes on paper. Students will be shown where materials can be found in the classroom and what they should do when they finish painting.


Science- Children will be shown a few items from a collection of natural objects. Teacher will model how students can begin to explore some of the materials. They will be shown where these materials can be found in the classroom and how to put them away when finished.


Math- Children will be shown a couple of puzzles. Teacher will model how to take apart and how to put a few pieces together. Students will be shown where puzzles can be found and how to put them away.


Library- Students are able to explore books from the classroom library.


Writing- Students are invited to explore the materials provided in the writing center. They are encouraged to explore their name cards.  


Sensory- Students will be shown a small amount of sand and a few toys. They will be shown where these materials can be found in the classroom.

For more information on the Lesson Plan, click HERE!

To view this weeks' foundational text, please click HERE!

If you have any questions or concerns, you can email me at MrTaraza@olqmnyc.org or email Mrs. Zogka at MrsZogka@olqmnyc.org. 

If there are any questions regarding the Pre-K for All program that cannot be answered by the office or classroom teacher, please feel free to contact the Help Line at 888-227-8175

Promoting Inclusion with The Big Umbrella by Amy June Bates

Promoting Inclusion with The Big Umbrella by Amy June Bates Dear reader: I hope that you find pleasure and joy in reading about my thoughts ...