Week of January 25th, 2021
Parent's must connect their child on to zoom and seesaw until we resume in person learning.
Upload evidence of student work onto Seesaw as frequently as possible.
As always, please make sure to read the OLQM school blog for additional updates and information located HERE!
If there are any questions regarding the 3-K/Pre-K for all program that can not be answered by the office or classroom teacher, please feel free to contact the
Help Line at 888-227-8175
Zoom Link
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 251 984 7674
Passcode: school
You are encouraged to join both AM and PM sessions.
*The same link will be used to meet daily until further notice*
Zoom Link (AM 8:30-8:45)
Zoom Link (PM 2:30-2:45)
This weeks focus is "Express and Test Ideas"
To view the full lesson plan and daily activities for this week, please click here.
Activities for virtual students at home
Parents must submit photo evidence of all completed activities on Seesaw or to my email: MrTaraza@olqmnyc.org
STEM Activity - Foam Blocks & Shaving cream (Monday & Tuesday)
Reusable Ice Cubes or Blocks
Shaving Cream
Popsicle Stick to spread shaving cream
Children will be exploring with shaving cream and reusable ice cubes to build structures.
- Goal P-PMP 3. Child demonstrates increasing control, strength, and coordination of small muscles.
Preschoolers exhibit complex fine motor coordination when using tools to complete tasks.
Art/Drawing (Wednesday)
Pencil, Crayon, Marker, or Color Pencil.
(Optional if you have)
Objects that resemble shapes for gluing.
Shape stencils for tracing.
Children will be creating and naming thier own illustrations using shapes and concepts learned from the Big Box of Shapes book.
● Goal P-LIT 6. Child writes for a variety of purposes using increasingly sophisticated marks.
Water Play (Thursday)
Provide children with toys in a container for water play. You may add soap and sponge for them to pretend to do dishes or for them to take care of their toys and make them squeaky clean. Talk about why it is important to take care of our materials and keep them clean.
● Goal P-ATL 3. Child appropriately handles and takes care of classroom materials.
Green Eggs and Ham (Friday)

Materials:- The Book Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss
- 1 packet of instant vanilla pudding
- The ingredients needed to complete the pudding recipe on the box
- green food coloring
- vanilla wafers
- plates and spoons
- A Do You Like Green Eggs and Ham chart, including markers that the students can use to indicate their choice, I like to use stickers
Procedure:- Read Green Eggs and Ham
- Make “Green Eggs and Ham” (Green pudding with a vanilla wafer)
- Add green food coloring to a packet of instant vanilla pudding in a gallon size Ziploc bag
- Have each child add one ingredient to the bag
- Have each child take turns moshing around the contents of the bag to mix them together until the pudding congeals
- While the pudding is mixing ask each child what color it is
- Once the pudding becomes pudding put a small serving on a plate for each child and then serve it with a vanilla wafer in the middle to make “green eggs and ham”
- Chart about whether they "like green eggs and ham"
- Give each of the children a serving of the “green eggs and ham” that they made
- Have them taste it
- Ask them to think about what it tastes like, use descriptive words like sweet, sour, smooth, salty, crunchy, chewy
- If the child is able, have them describe the snack to you
- Ask each child whether or not they liked it
- After each child decides whether or not the like the snack have them take their picture and place it on a chart wither in the like green eggs and ham column or the not like green eggs and ham column
- When all of the children have recorded their preferences, have the class count how many children are in the like column and how many children are in the not like column
Adaptations:- For children who will not try the "green eggs and ham," have them fill out a chart of whether or not they tried the treat so they can still practice the mathematical skills of making a chart.
● Goal P-ATL 8. Child holds information in mind and manipulates it to perform tasks.
● Goal P-SCI 5. Child plans and conducts investigations and experiments (Uses more complex ways to gather and record data, such as with adult support, makes a graph that shows children's favorite snacks.)
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