Pre-K 4    Week of January 31, 2022

 “Children learn as they play. Most importantly, in play children learn how to learn. ” ~ O. Fred Donaldson

Please Read All The Reminders

If you or your child is experiencing fever, fatigue, congestion, headache, or any other covid-like symptoms, please remain home and obtain a negative result before coming to the school building. If you or your child tests positive and were present any day of the school week, please notify the teacher. Remote work is always available for students at any time.

Please remember to bring sleeping mats to school.

As always, please make sure to read the OLQM school blog for additional updates and information located HERE!

Contact info: (I usually try to reply within the same day).

 If there are any questions regarding the 3-K/Pre-K for all program that can not be answered by the office or classroom teacher, please feel free to contact the

Help Line at 888-227-8175

*This week we are adding an additional focus on extending the transportation unit as well while we are building up to our unit of Light. Our children have shown much interest and love for this unit so we will provide more opportunities to deepen student knowledge on the subject. For more information on the extension on transportation, click here for the lesson plan.*

Unit Topic:


Essential Question:

How and why do we use different kinds of light?

Focus Question for The Week:

What kind of lights are around us?

Foundational Text for The Week:

All About Light by Lisa Trumbauer

Focused Learning Activity for The Week

Translucent/Opaque Collage: (Mitten Sun Catcher)

Translucent/Opaque Collage:


Tape a piece of clear contact paper, sticky side out, to a window. Invite children to add collage pieces to the paper to create a sun catcher. As the children work, talk with them about the different types of materials they add. Are the materials translucent or opaque? Introduce these vocabulary words to the children and use them as children create the collage.

Glow In The Dark Light Bulbs



(10-15 minutes):


Invite children to make glow in the dark light bulbs. Children will work with pieces of cotton and glue them onto cardstock. Apply glow in the dark paint to brush and paint on top of the cotton.





Glow in The Dark Paint.

Pre-K Common Core Learning Standard(s) Addressed

PK.PDH.1. Uses senses to assist and guide learning.

PK.PDH.5. Demonstrates eye-hand coordination and fine motor skills

Lessons and Activities for The Week


Provide an assortment of blocks with different sizes. shapes. and textures for building sizable structures. Add clipboard for children to plan a structure then build it.


Introduce children to light and dark color mixing techniques. Big Ideas: How can we make shades /colors lighter or darker?


Add artificial light sources for children to investigate in the science area. Include materials for children to explore how light bends/reflects. (Flash lights, Lightbulb, tin foil, mirror)


Introduce unifix cubes in the math center. Teacher will work with children to figure out different ways to make a ten. Children will find how many and continue counting up to ten.


Introduce new unit books to the library and invite children to explore the new theme about lights.


Provide children with a variety of tools that they can use for drwaing and writing including paper, stencils, pencils, markers, crayons.


Students will be able to play with their individual containers of play-doh and make transportation related vehicles using playdough mats.

For more information on the Lesson Plan, click HERE!

To view this weeks' foundational text, please click HERE!

If you have any questions or concerns, you can email me at or email Mrs. Zogka at 

If there are any questions regarding the Pre-K for All program that cannot be answered by the office or classroom teacher, please feel free to contact the Help Line at 888-227-8175

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